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TeleMedia Interactive Services L.L.C. (formerly: TeleMedia First Hungarian Telemarketing Service L.L.C.) was founded in Budapest in late 1993. Originally the two core activities of the company consisted of telemarketing and premium rate audiotex. Following its foundation, TeleMedia very soon became the market leader in both fields in Hungary.


In keeping with the major international trends in the industry, in 2000 TeleMedia launched its mobile entertainment services, focusing on the delivery of entertaining and informative content to mobile (GSM) platforms. TeleMedia was the first company in Hungary to offer downloadable ringtones and operator logos, and has since added to its mobile entertainment package a variety of games, dating and community services, SMS-based information and classified systems and micropayment facilities.


In spring 2003, TeleMedia launched its own, live, interactive TV game show format, now operating on many TV channels in several countries with huge success.


Over the years, the company has dynamically increased its presence in countries other than Hungary as well. Our international presence:


  • Austria
  • Germany
  • Italy
  • Portugal
  • Switzerland

Central- and Eastern-Europe:

  • The Czech Republic
  • Poland
  • Romania:

© TeleMedia Interactive Services L.L.C.
Böszörményi út 20-22., Budapest, Hungary H-1126
Phone: +361 456-56-56 Fax: +361 456-56-57